The Butterfly Process: Conscious endings for better beginnings

R 517.00

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly!

You could literally be 40 days away from a fresh, baggage free start!

Many people assume that a break-up spells the end of a relationship; alas this is seldom the case. If that “past” relationship is still affecting you in the present, it is still a part of your present reality.

This 40 day self-driven programme is designed to help you get to a place of peace, closure and gratitude with regards to a past relationship. It doesn’t matter if that relationship “ended” last week, last year or last decade. It is called the butterfly process because “failed” relationships have the tendency to make us feel like caterpillars. This process is designed to use the lessons and gifts of that very relationship to catalyze your metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a magnificent butterfly.

The process works equally well to heal from past baggage in a current relationship.